Whatever happen to the good times? Everywhere I look its corruption this and another kidnapping somewhere. I wonder when the whole world went to hell. I mean, I can't get on the train without someone I know getting scared because a bomb might be on there. I can't understand when everyone started to fear life --because a guy that looks dirty might be a werido. It's mostly because everyone gets sterotyped all the time. People might think that I'm a thief because I live in a part of town that's not on the high-end of the status quo. I know that there are bad people in the world, but still we have to have a little more faith in each other. But don't be stupid about it!!! We just can't be scared of every little thing that comes our way. I have already hid myself from too many things, and I found out lately that I haven't done anything in my life worth noting, AT LEAST NOT YET WATCH OUT WORLD HERE I COME. I was always the person that wanted to be "someone", but I never took the chances to help myself get there. I was always scared of everything, e.g. like if "they" would reject me at first sight. So in my new life, starting right now, is to always do the things that scare me, and yes, I know it sounds cheesey. You might say that its too hard and "it's all about me". Well tell me one thing, how many "I's" do you say in a day. Ever thought about that if you did something else besides "whatever", or try something new, that it might help someone else and help you at the same time? Think about it!!!!!...
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